Friday, September 24, 2021

Ninth Day of DFI- External Recognition

 Can't imagine! The nine weeks ended really soon. Today is my last day of DFI course which is an External Recognition Day mainly focused on the Google Certified Exam (3 hours exam). Yay! I made it, I cleared my exam and now I can say that I am a Google Certified Educator now😊. 

What to say! I extermely enjoyed this 9 weeks of DFI learning and making myself Digitally Fluent. I enjoyed each and every session of this course taking up so much of knowledge, connecting with each other. Working with Kerry's Digital Group was delightful. I found a digital teaching quite challenging in this first year of my teaching in New Zealand. Now I am quite confident developing these skills.

I found all the sessions with Google slides, docs sheets, forms, sites so useful and this helped me to develop my creativity and bought effectiveness in my teaching. My students are enjoying exploring their activities in different ways. I have started using Google forms as an Exit ticket for my students' understanding for their topics. I use to add the link of the Google form in hapara workspace, so it is easy for them to access as it is under the each topic they are doing. 

I still need to develop my skills in using Google sheet and coding. I definitely wanted to use these skills in classroom as I know my students would be really interested to learn this. I wish to continue my learning and looking forward more opportunities to connect with more teachers.

Waiting to receive my DFI badge and Google Certified Educator badge and certificate.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Eighth Day of DFI- Computational Thinking

 Today was the last session of my DFI course which was on Computational Thinking. I had a great experience of technology today where I could learn about coding which I have never done before.

As usual, today's session also started by Connecting with Manaiakalani "Empowered" session- empowering teachers and learners. This was a story from Tamaki. It is very difficult to meet up with daily requirements or feel empowered when your annual income is very low in the expensive city like Auckland. Many families manage to live in one room during winter without any social distancing even when someone is suffering from viruses or bugs because they cannot affort to run the heat pump. It is also found by the researchers that the academic performance of the children in low decile school is almost half a life behind their affluent peers. The Manaiakalanin Program, Manaiakalanini Partners and Supporters, the Manaiakalani Education Trust are all committed to support the learning communities to become empowered. We can actively support Equity and Access and remove barriers to empower people.

The greatest joy comes from EMPOWERING students to discover their courage and teach them to overcome any fear in their life

The next session was on introduction to the future of technology and what it means for our tamariki. It was very interesting to see how can our future job places, communities, and societies look like.

It is important to prepare students for jobs that don't currently exist. We should prepare students for a constantly changing future, the need to upskill and become lifelong learners.

Then we had an introduction to Computational Thinking- Digital Technologies Curriculum to make students know how technology works and how they can use it to solve problems. The digitally capable person can create their own digital technologies solution.

The Manaiakalani Program outreach to digitally fluent teachers and students. Teachers are supported to acquire digital fluency required for effective teaching, planning, assessment and professional learning to deliver the curriculum in a digital learning environment. It is important that students have opportunities to be innovative designers and creators of digital solutions.

Then in the explore session of coding I came across different coding programmes and games created by Minecraft, Scratch and others and later for which we had a create session on developing our coding for learning. I created a coding with Scratch and below is my created coding.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Seventh Day of DFI- Devices agenda

 Today was an exploring day of different kind of devices like Chromebook and iPad which our young learners use.

The session started Connecting with Manaiakalani- Ubiquitous. The main objective of this by Manaiakalani is accessing learning ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANY PACE by ANYONE. It is very important to allow students to continue their learning outside school hours which would be helpful for learners when they are not in class at that particular time. Rewindable Learning is making learning accessible to more learners with different abilities at their own pace. It was interesting to know about the Summer Learning Program organised by Manaiakalani where students learn new things everyday and then post their learning on their blog. This keeps their learning continue.

The session then was on Cybersmart Curriculum. The objective is to make students digitally smart and excellent and using positive language in digital environment.

Cybersmart Program is all about empowering "confident, connected, actively, involved, lifelong learners".

Today the Hapara Hot tips was on Workspace- how we can discover workspace of other educators  filtering by subject or topic. 

Then I came to know about Manaiakalani 1:1 Journey with Chromebooks. The main objective for this is Partnership, Participation, and Protection. Partnership included the huge crowd which is between whanau, community, teachers, and learners.

Partnership was to make sure every learner can participate and support teachers to become digitally fluent when they are in the class of learners all with same devices. Then the protection was to make sure all digital learning is visible and this was done by partnering with Hapara to design teacher dashboard.

The motto of Manaiakalani was also Equity and Access- providing the very best device for learning for every young person. Students started their learning with ASUS netbook from 2010-2012 and then from 2013 they continued their kaupapa using chrombook.

Then we had a explore session on knowing the different features and learning the use of different key tabs of chromebook.

The next session was on iPad which is used in junior classes and we had an explore session on iPad where I learnt use different features of iPad and created an image which is below.

Lastly, I had a create session on Hapara where I learned to create a new workspace by adding the images, title, description, and sections. We use Hapara workspace for Learn create and share the learnings in our school. So I am always interested to learn more about Hapara. Below is the workpace I have created in the session.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Sixth Day of DFI: Enabling Access- Sites

 In every session of DFI, I feel like I am enhancing my learning and skills. In this lockdown learning I am getting some time to do some work differently for my students though I am not able to use much of those learnings at school currently. We had a wonderful session today on Enabling Access to Sites.

We were introduced to how Manaiakalani works for the objective 'Connected'. Manaiakalani is working to connect between schools, community, nation and world and the cluster has grown up connecting different schools around the nation. Manaiakalani program has created multiple layers to connect for teachers and tamariki as connection is very important to keep sharing our learnings.

Leading Learning using Google Sites

Using Google sites to empower visible learning for our Digital Learning Environments has a great purpose. Learning should be accessible anywhere, anytime, at any place supported by a rewindable learning. Making planning and teaching visible and personalising learning via multiple opportunities to access content and the learning process is very important.

My goal was then to work on my class site making my teaching and learning visible for everyone, making my site more visual appeal to hook my learners and making all the contents easily accessible. My work is still in progress and you can have a look on to my site I have created so far by clicking on to the image below.